Monday, March 11, 2013

9 Reasons to Use Twitter in Schools

More than one billion tweets are sent every 2-3 days across Twitter, which has become a social network of significant importance in every continent, and almost every country, around the world. Twitter isn't just all fun and games, it has many different uses. In Laura Walker's blog, she gives us 9 reasons to use Twitter in schools.
1. Together We're Better
Teachers can access a stream of links, ideas, opinions, and resources from global professionals.

2. Global or Local: your choice
It is up to you who you choose to follow, you can connect with people from around the world or you can follow local people.

3. Self-Awareness and reflective practice
Reflect on what you are doing in your classroom and see what needs improvement. Teachers on Twitter can share these ideas and support and challenge each other.

4. Ideas workshop and sounding board
Twitter is great for sharing ideas and getting instant feedback. You can get different opinions and criticisms to help you improve what you're doing in the classroom.

5. Newsroom and innovation showcase
Twitter helps you stay up-to-date with the latest news or developments in your point of interest.

6. Professional development and critical friends
Teachers can talk about what they are working on or struggling with and get helpful ideas from other teachers or professionals.

7. Quality-assured searching
Trust the people you follow so that you can value their ideas. This will provide you with higher-quality information than a Google search would.

8. Communicate, communicate, communicate
You will learn to become better at expressing your professional thoughts to others in 140 characters.

9. Getting with the times has never been so easy!
Twitter is not complicated at all! Go to and create an account. Also, there are plenty of websites that offer advice for getting started.

Thank you for reading this blog, now go make a Twitter and tweet all your professional thoughts and ideas! Promise me, you will love that you made one.